13.09.05. The Moscow Times. А. Титков о выборах в чеченский парламент
Anatoly Medetsky. Kremlin, Politicians Call for Fair Chechnya Vote
A group of senior Kremlin officials and party leaders made a whistle-stop visit to Chechnya on Monday to call for the republic's upcoming parliamentary elections to be fair and open to opponents of the Chechen administration. <…>
Alexei Titkov, an analyst at the Institute of Regional Policy, said the Kremlin held the meeting to encourage people disillusioned with politics in Chechnya to vote and run in the elections.
"What most likely will be important for the Russian authorities is that, unlike other regions, ... the local population is excited about the elections," he said.
Officials are likely to report inflated turnout figures to create a rosy picture of the elections, as they reportedly did in previous elections in Chechnya, he said.